What is a Dove Wrangler? A question many people would ask me if they knew that I was the Dovewrangler, but nobody does know, thankfully. A dovewrangler is exactly what it purports to be, an individual who wrangles (lassos) doves or other small fowl. I'm almost positive that I created the profession. I've never actually been paid for bagging birds and in fact I've never actually caught a bird in a lasso, but its a really intriguing idea. Magicians, wedding planners and all people who cant afford cell phones would be lining up to rent a few creatures from my flock. After all how else could you text a friend without a cell phone? By messenger pigeon of course. Yes, i would be rolling in the dough and swimming in gold coins like Scrooge McDuck. Which brings up another idea, ducks! Sure ducks are good to eat, I personally think the meat is a little too greasy, but what else does the duck have to offer? Is there good money in ducks? Think about that. Don't get me started on quails, I've had my eye out for an efficient covey for years.
These are the ramblings of a dovewrangler, join me on my blogging quest as I seek to discover the millions of tiny wonders the world and everyday life has to offer.
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